Hi, welcome to my new photo blog! Here's a little background on me:
In the spring of 2007, I studied abroad in Rome, Italy. I took a film photography class, just for fun. I fell in love with it. Since then I've worked exclusively with film and in black and white.
Just recently I've decided to make the big jump into digital photography. I'm very excited, and somewhat overwhelmed by the can of worms this is opening. First and most obviously, the scary use of color. Up until now I've been able to focus all my shots on lighting, contrast, etc. without complicating the image with color. I've practically trained my eye to see in black and white when I'm shooting. Color will be an entirely new dimension for me. Digital photography also opens me up to the world of processing my pictures. The past few days I've submerged myself in web pages about RAW images vs. JPEG, correcting white balance, photo editing software, and many other topics I know little or nothing about.
I just ordered my camera (Canon XSi---see the nifty link to the side of my blog?) last week, and am still waiting for it to arrive. As soon as it does I'm sure I'll be playing like mad with it...and then I will start to post some pictures. Stay tuned!
Wildlife Prairie Park 4 mile Trail run
14 years ago