Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Camping with Matt!

Here are some photos from my time out in Colorado with Matt.  We were there from August 1-9.  So much fun!  

View during a car ride through Rocky Mountain National Park

Our second campsite with a lovely pile of wood chopped by Matt

Matt and Lake Verna during our 18 mile hike one day.

*sigh*  I suspect these pictures will make me jealous of my past self once school starts next week...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Photos photos photos!

Well, I have been VERY busy in the photo department.

Last weekend, Matt and I went to visit Mary and Frank in Peoria.  Frank asked if I would shoot him and his band for their album cover, and Mary asked if I would take photos of her doing massage for fliers and her website.  

It was a lot of fun!  I've spent about 4 hours a night since then combing through over 1300 photos (!) and working on them.  

The boys looking very bad-ass at this crazy old gas station

I like the "Stand by Me" quality this picture has.  So sweet!

That weekend was a lot of fun!  I'll probably post some more pictures later.  :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


A few weekends ago Matt and I took Matt's "little brother" (from Big Brothers, Big Sisters) Mason to Maquoketa Caves State Park.  It was a gorgeous day outside, and a lot of fun!  It was also really great to finally meet Mason.  

Mason relaxing - for a brief moment!  That kid has a lot of energy.  :)

Matt rehydrating after a few hours deep in the caves.

That was just one of the great weekends that I've had in the past month.  It's been so wonderful having Matt be out of school!  

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday night falafel

On Friday night Matt and I picked up some delicious falafel from Oasis and ate it back at my place.

Matt after taking a large bite.  Oh, yum.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend with company

Frank and Mary have come and gone.  It was really fun getting to hang out with them more, and especially to get to know Frank better.  Good weekend!

Frank being silly, opening a bag of jelly beans with a huge knife

Mary and Frank reading through my "Applying Ethics" text book.  I think we were discussing animals rights at this point.

My beautiful sister.  :)

Frank attempting to braid Mary's hair

Thanks for visiting, cuties!  It was fun.  :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Frank and Mary are coming!

Today, I am a domestic goddess.  Cleaning, getting ready for my sister and her boyfriend, Frank, to come visit.

Why didn't anyone ever tell me that cleaning is a LOT more fun when it is gorgeous outside?  The breeze is blowing...the sun is shining in...not a bad start to the day.  :)

Monday, April 13, 2009


I've been playing with my camera a lot, and just today have started playing around with editing my photos on my computer. Here's what I've been up to!

Matt studying and trying to ignore me...

Playing with a longer shutter speed

Another of Matt's profile---this one I edited (played with the color and contrast a little...)

More shutter speed play - (and a non-Matt subject)

Ok, I wasn't really doing any photography thing here---this was just a really funny moment! Silly Matt was rough housing with me and made us both tumble over the couch. I was left unharmed, but Matt hurt his foot pretty bad...that's ice he's holding on it.

Before I got my new, digital camera, I also took some pictures of Matt with my Minolta. It was my first portrait photo shoot. SO much fun! I've scanned some images to upload here. My scanner is a piece of crap from about 7 years, the picture quality is not as good as in real life. But you get the idea!

I took a LOT more than three pictures, but that gives you a taste of the shoot. Maybe I'll upload more later. :)

That's all for now! Thanks for looking.

Monday, April 6, 2009

More pictures coming soon...

I was out of town this weekend, so I didn't get any chance to play with my camera.

But, tonight I'm making up for it!  I've been playing around with my camera taking lots of different pictures of Matt and around his apartment.  I'll be sure to post them soon!  Stay posted.

P.S.  Oh!  My sister Mary asked me to take some pictures of her doing massage this weekend.  She's a massage therapist and needs some photos for new business cards and a website.  Anyway, the pressure is on to get good with my camera fast!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's here!

Oh camera, you are going to be so much fun.  :)

I got home from work today ready to play with my new camera.  I was a big ball of excitement!  Until I realized that I had to let the battery charge for a full two hours.  Lame...a little anti-climatic.  

After the battery was done charging, I decided to just take my camera out to the river and start shooting some pictures.  Who needs the manual, right?  I can just play around---it will be great.

This was my first picture EVER taken with my digital camera.  Hm...not so bad, but not really what I was going for.  First of all, it was NOT that dark outside.  And I didn't really want the flash to go off...let's try again.  

Well, the lighting is more realistic, but,

At this point I realized I had no idea what I was doing.  Time to go home and read the manual!  :)

Just playing.  Wait, doesn't the white balance look off in these pictures? do I fix that...

Ah, that's better.  I spent most of the night just playing around.  Getting to know the camera.  I feel like I haven't even scratched the's SO different than my old Minolta.  I'll be out of town this weekend, but I'm sure when I'll get back I'll be playing lots more, and posting more.  I can't wait until I feel more comfortable with my camera!  Practice, practice.

It's coming!

Oh my goodness...I just checked the UPS tracking for my camera, and it is OUT FOR DELIVERY! I am sooooo excited. This work day is going to be so long---all I want to do is go home and play!

Get ready for some pictures very very soon. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hi, welcome to my new photo blog! Here's a little background on me:

In the spring of 2007, I studied abroad in Rome, Italy. I took a film photography class, just for fun. I fell in love with it. Since then I've worked exclusively with film and in black and white.

Just recently I've decided to make the big jump into digital photography. I'm very excited, and somewhat overwhelmed by the can of worms this is opening. First and most obviously, the scary use of color. Up until now I've been able to focus all my shots on lighting, contrast, etc. without complicating the image with color. I've practically trained my eye to see in black and white when I'm shooting. Color will be an entirely new dimension for me. Digital photography also opens me up to the world of processing my pictures. The past few days I've submerged myself in web pages about RAW images vs. JPEG, correcting white balance, photo editing software, and many other topics I know little or nothing about.

I just ordered my camera (Canon XSi---see the nifty link to the side of my blog?) last week, and am still waiting for it to arrive. As soon as it does I'm sure I'll be playing like mad with it...and then I will start to post some pictures. Stay tuned!